Your Rights!
Sunbeam Class Action Lawyers
A class action lawsuit was filed against Sunbeam Products alleging defects in the Sunbeam Multi-Cooker 6 quart electric Crockpot. Our law firm was one of the lead attorneys in the pressure cooker class action lawsuit. If you have a 6 quart multi cooker, or suffered crock pot burn injuries while using the Crockpot multi cooker, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries or breach of warranty. Call one of our Sunbeam class action lawyers at the Law Offices of Jason Turchin today for free consultation at 800-337-7755. If you say, “I need a Crockpot injury lawyer near me”, we can help.
Multiple Crock Pot Multi-Cooker Lawsuits
Our product liability law firm has already filed several lawsuits on behalf of customers burned while using a Crockpot Multi-Cooker 6 quart pressure cooker. If you were injured and suffered burns from a Crockpot, you may be entitled to file an individual lawsuit against Sunbeam Products. Your lawsuit may allow you to recover money for all of your medical expenses, pain and suffering and more.
Often times, pressure cooker burn injury victims suffer extremely painful steam and liquid burns on their face, neck, arms, legs and chest. Burn injuries may require treatment at the hospital, or with a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. Some burn injury victims may require skin grafting, and many are left with scars or discoloration for the rest of their lives.
Sunbeam Products is based in Boca Raton, Florida, and lawsuits can be filed against them in Florida no matter where you were hurt.
Sunbeam Products Defects in the 6 Quart Multi Cooker
Our investigation has revealed various alleged defects in the 6 quart Multi-Cooker version of Sunbeam’s crock pot multi cooker. Most common are crock pot burn injuries where the customer was still able to open up the pressure cooker while it was still pressurized despite multiple assurances by Sunbeam Products that these pressure cookers cannot open while under pressure. We’ve already represented many individual victims injured by the 6Q Multi-Cooker, and have investigated several accident cookers and many sample cookers.
Our own investigation found that at some point Crockpot modified the lid of the 6 quart Multi-Cooker without informing the public. The old lid has a silver float valve which can be seen when you look inside the hole in the lid handle, and an arched warning painted on the lid. The newer design has more of a boxed warning shape, a red float valve which you can see inside the hole in the lid, and additional indicators written on the lid designating the steam valve and the float valve, which Sunbeam refers to as the bobber valve. There is another part called a strike plate which is supposed to strike the float valve when there’s pressure in the cooker to prevent the lid from opening. Our investigation showed that there may have been a material change me to the strike plate between the old lid and the new lid.
One problem that we found, however, is that both versions may have been sold with the same packaging box showing a 2017 copyright date. So from the outside the pressure cooker boxes look identical, but inside the box, the pressure cookers are materially different. This may not only be a misrepresentation, but may also present a significant safety difference that the customers may never notice until it’s too late after their cooker explodes.

How to Make a Claim for Crock Pot Burn Injuries?
We try to make your Crockpot injury claim process as easy as possible for you. We know this may be a difficult time and you may be suffering from burns and other pain from Crock pot burn injuries. We offer a no touch sign-up process where we can sign you up via email forms or docusign to allow us to process your claim as quickly as possible. Our goal is to try to resolve your claim as efficiently as possible, but we also want you to be fairly compensated for your injuries and suffering. Whether you are looking for Sunbeam class action lawyers or a law firm to file an individual Sunbeam injury lawsuit, our office can help.
Most law firms have never handled a pressure cooker injury claim before. If you ever spoke with another lawyer, ask them how many they’ve handled. Our law firm was also lead counsel in IN RE TRISTER PRESSURE COOKER LITIGATION, a federal consolidated lawsuit involving several victims injured by allegedly defective TriStar power pressure cookers. We are also one of the lead law firms in a class action filed against Crockpot. We are also lead counsel in several individual lawsuits filed against Crockpot, Tristar Products, Wolfgang Puck, Bella, Gourmia, Max-Matic, Instant Pot, Fagor and more.
Where can You Buy a Crock Pot Multi Cooker?
Sunbeam crock pot Multi-Cooker has been sold at big box retailers throughout the United States. Sunbeam’s own website was directing customers to purchase the 6Q Multi-Cooker directly from Best Buy. The 6 quart Multi-Cooker can also be purchased at Bed, Bath and Beyond, Target, Kohl’s, Walmart, eBay, Amazon and more.
Given the changes that Sunbeam has made to the lids on the pressure cookers, according to our investigation, various versions are still being sold. This means that if you buy a 6 quart Multi-Cooker from Bed, Bath and Beyond, it may not have the new safety features that the one that someone purchased at Best Buy may have. This is so even if both cookers have the same box.
Given the vast number of pressure cooker claims we’ve investigated, we’ve accumulated significant knowledge on how the pressure cooker’s work, where are the various defects may be, and how often certain pressure cooker companies try to hide material changes to the pressure cooker’s after learning of safety issues, yet they never warn or advise the public in anyway of the material changes. This means that customers may have an older version even though the model numbers are exactly the same in the pressure cookers and look identical from the outside.
Co-Counsel for Sunbeam Crockpot Lawsuit
Our law firm often works as cocounsel for Crockpot injury claims and other pressure cooker claims in association with law firms around the United States. We can work as lead counsel and handle the primary responsibility of the claim, or can associate with you as local counsel on your pressure cooker case if needed. As lead counsel, we can appear in many courts around the United States with you acting as local counsel. This includes many state and federal courts, where we can get admitted pro hoc vice.
A Pressure cooker lawsuit cocounsel can help maximize recovery for a victim. We have significant experience with discovery and pressure cooker litigation, and have worked with pressure cooker experts with extensive experience investigating accidents. Our goal is to try to maximize the recovery for our clients, and put the pressure cooker companies on notice of the potential dangers that are out there.
Contingency fee Sunbeam Crockpot lawsuit
If you were a customer burned by a Crockpot Multi-Cooker and want to find out what your rights are, contact a Sunbeam pressure cooker lawyer at the Law Offices of Jason Turchin today for a free consultation at 800-337-7755. We are contingency fee pressure cooker lawyers, which means that you do not have to pay us any money out of pocket. We only get paid if you recover compensation for your injuries. We waive all fees and costs if there is no recovery. We are also on call and open late and on weekends for your initial consultation.